Discussion Forum - WAR

War is an effective way of solving world wide issues.  ????


  1. It could be but its not worth lives being lost over it. - Michael

  2. No it’s not.I think that we can negotiate about what we want instead of declaring war for it. I prefer a peaceful way of doing what you want instead of having a war for it.

    Matthew Y

  3. No its not because there are different ways of solving war. It is not worth it to kill people just to solve an issue.

    By Saumya and Nicholas.

  4. We don't think that war is an effective way of solving world wide issues because war isn't solving a problem, it is making a problem. All war is doing is killing innocent people who have families and friends at home waiting for them to come back. It is also a very terrible experience for children that they should never have to face.
    Sarah and Emma.

  5. No war is not an effective way of solving world wide issue because thousands of people get killed and kids in war torn areas suffer their whole life from watching people get killed. - Alice and Caitlin D

    1. You are completly right, Alice and Caitlin. War does not solve world wide problems

  6. Issues don't get solved by killing people.

  7. It is not because if a country attacks another country the country that got attacked they might want revenge so it might start another war.


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  8. No its not, because issues can be solved by talking, not in war, people die that's not solving an issue its causing an issue.

  9. No because war is never the answer

  10. Are 90,000,000 lives worth never ending anger and fear between two countries? Are 90,000,000 lives worth trying to promote your race or beliefs? In WW2 90,000,000 (roughly) people died in the holocaust and all it resulted in was fear and anger between the two countries. It didn’t solve any world wide issues. by kate

  11. I think a solution is to make an agreement. E.g If you are arguing about having land, make an agreement so each country has a fare split amount of the land.

  12. I don't agree with war. However if a country asked for your help you couldn't just say "Nah". If you had the chance to save lives would you turn it down? Also there are some wars when NZ has to side with a country because if another country invaded NZ we would want them to help us. In some cases fighting is necessary.

    1. Yeah, I agree, you cant say no to a country who needs help and you will have to build allies for future wars.
